Tuesday, November 3, 2009

it's my birthday!

hye,it's my birthday!!!!
happy birthday to my own self!
be a good girl ok~~~~


Saturday, October 24, 2009

real holiday begins

after turning myself into panda-pandai-bercakap for about 2 weeks, i'm free now!this is what we call FREEEEEDDDOOMMMM!!!yeay!

last day of class was on 16th oct 2009 but i'd one more assgnmt to submit on 20th oct.therefore, i declare 20th oct 2009 as my VICTORY DAY! thanks Chris for ur kindness~~*wink*

so, my holiday starts with malaysian night:when malaysians see orange a.k.a when orange isn't just a colour..nice meh! have a great meal.for the GOD sake, i ate a lot dat night.mcm org kebuluran xjumpe mknn seminggu..xcaye?
bukti die i langsung xpay attention kt perfrmance..sorry guys..i'm so damn hungry. but i like razif's video presentation; 1 malaysia.best2..
the best thing dat night apart from food, the pic session wth senior yg dis year da nk graduate..=_="..sedey lak nk pisah..isk..iskk..1 more thing, for da very 1st time i wear dress..heehhee..i like! tp trase trlebey ayu plak..@_@

n then i abeskn mase kt bilik the day after smbl marathon korean series; when it's a night..best2..suke!unpredictable cite tu..3rd day pon same..marathon movies..

yesterday, i went to miramar..pg weta cave!cool gile~dpt tgk behind the scene cite lord of the ring,narnia,king kong..tau cmne diorg buat prop..production die cool gilak!dpt tgk dpn2 frodonye cncn..xnyesal pegi..pastu odw blik brnti tepi pntai,ingt nk picnic tp sbb it's so cold,decide mkn dlm kete je..n then around 6.30 pm arrive at stafford..

today xbuat pe except g keje+blik masak ngn che nad tok umah trbuke sok..especially for akak2+warge stafford yg da nk graduate..tq akak2+kwn2 laki kt stafford.korang rowk!

Monday, October 19, 2009

hidup makin sunyi

hidup makin sunyi bile..
lecture da xde tok diponteng
tutorial da abes tok ade mkn2 free smbl dgr songs
assignment yg transform-aku-jd-panda-pandai-cakap sume da submit
test eng yg susah-tahap-nak-mati da dijawab ngn mengarutnye
test alin yg tak-yah-pk-sume-ade-dlm-buku da jawb
open house da abes
kawan-kawn kt mlysia bz ngn exam
housemate trchenta bz packing brg nk blik esok..isk..isk(hv a safe journay dear!)
senior2 cohort 4 yg aku syg gile2 da nk blik
conclusionnye:aku kesunyian~
sekian, terime kasih

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tulip Festival~

today, i go to botanical garden for tulip festival celebration organized by Wellington. first time of my life i see lots of tulip with my own eyes. GOSH!!!It's so beautiful.lots of colour.everyone enjoys the scenery so much.i go there along with my friends;yana, hema, estee, geam, grace n abol.we take series n series of pics.we also meet people who are sooooo interested with Malaysian people n we've been models for a while..hehehehe..funny lol!

i've upload the pics in my fb..pls have a look..tq..^_^

Friday, September 25, 2009

open house punye cite!

i just coming back from our cohort open house at mckenzies. and i tell u it was awesome!!!the best open house i've ever had.everything was perfect!
it started at 7.00 pm and at that time i was just headg back from kak jiejah's house. at first, it was like so quite.just us standing there. but later, there were a group of people coming from downstair and they were my friends..the clock tickd n people came n gone.the house was full and we had to request yana's house for 2nd place.some people had to move over so that everyone felt comfortable.

the menu for tonight were mee kari, nasi impit, kuah kacang, lodeh,nasi hujan panas with ayam masak merah n acar, cocktail, tiramisu, cookies, cakes, syrup, rendang, puding, cupcakes...so many of them..and we run out of them after a moment. we had to cook other meals so that everyone could eat. we were so sorry for the 'kekurangan makann'.hehehehe..

the reaction from wellingtonians a.k.a kiwis...
- delicious..i'm full but still want to eat..
- never see so many people in one time like tonite..so many malaysians and
they are so friendly...
- it looks nice..i should try this one..
- what's this?u make this by urself?awesome!
- i like those rice so much..n the cookies yummy..i should come to malaysia..it
must be lot of food like these..
- i'm not vege, so i can eat anythng..awesome!
- is it ur own recipe?or mlaysian people love to create the new one?never taste it
- can i hv extra 1?hehehehe

the reaction from wellingtonians a.k.a malaysians...
- sedap weyh..sape msk lodeh tu?
- nasi hujan panas da abes?ruginye...
- nak tmbh kuah kcg ke?kitorg tunggu kuah kcg smpai bru gerak..hehehe
- tiramisu sedap gile..
- pinggan2!
- pergh..aku nmpk mee kari, lodeh, nasi hujan panas..
- puding sedapla..nak lg ley x?
- ni dh kali kelime aku tmbh mknn..
- korg nk blik da?aku xnk blik g..mkn x abes g ni..jap g nk tmbh g..
- nnt buat open house lg jmput tau..wajib..hehehehe

p/s:rugi sape2 xdtg..nxt year kitorg buat lg..IA..

open house punye cite!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

kisah si pemijak kepala,si backstabber sejati dan si berubah hati

org ckp, bile kite buat baik ngn org laen, kite dpt bnde yg same;org buat baik ngn kite jgk.tp kdg2 aku rase cm kene 'pijak kpl'.bnyk kali da tp buat snyp je.mls nk gtau.kang klu burst dpn2 lain lak jd.awal2 dlu ok je.tp bile da lame2,xley thn gak.sbb tu stiap kali aku rase aku nk trsrmpk@jumpe die,aku lari.mls nk tgk muke die.nympah+sakit hati+twr ati.sblm ni ade org ckp aku cm kmceng je ngn die.tu kt public je.tp yg sbnr aku je yg tau cmne.myb org2 yg 'pijak kpl' aku x prsn bnde ni tp aku ngaku yg aku hipokrit dpn org laen tp hipokrit aku brsebab.sebab korg2 kwn aku,aku xnk org laen tau ape yg korg2 da buat kt aku. dn aku rase da mcm2 da aku buat tok buat ko hepi+rase dsyngi.bnyk aku buang mase aku tok buat ko gmbire tp cm sie2 je.dah la.cukupla stkt ni je.aku nk kmbali kepde diri aku yg dlu.xpk sgt psl org laen sbb aku love to be alone.suke studi sorg2,suke window shopping sorg2,suke mkn sorg2,suke dok sorg2.sbb aku tau bile aku xdeal ngn org,aku xskit hati.tp semenjak 2menjak ni, aku suke pk psl org laen..trutamenye org2 sekeliling aku trmasukla si 'pemijak2 kpl' yg handal ni.mak aku prnh ckp yg setiap org brbeze,ade care msing2 nk deal ngn org laen. tp sume org brotak kan?xkn xley pk kot ape yg ko da buat. otak ade,pk la!!!!!

pastu aku cukup BENCI ngn backstabber!!!!smlm aku da jmpe sorg lg backstabber.yg ni dlu lg aku prasn tp aku xbuat conclusion g.smlm da trbukti mmg die bckstabbr sejati.dr dlu xbrubh2 lg.pesanan tok backstbbr tu:'aku taula cite tu.da klu org cite rhsia kt ko,jgnla g jaja cite kt org laen!.'klu cite ko kene dump ngn bf sbb main kayu tige ngn org laen,mesti ko malu kn???

si berubh hati ni pon 1.xphm2 lg ke yg org tu syg gile2 kt ko.snggp terjun sungai nk amek selipar jepun ko yg hrge 6-7 hinngt hanyut dek arus.tp ko still gak kuar ngn mmt yg aku pon xtau asl-usul.ko tau pape ke psl mmt tu?klu stkt muke hensem tp pisau cukur buat pe?kwn kite ckp die slalu tgk ko kuar ngn mamat tu..brkepit sane sini.yg ko nye bf lak dok jauh nun kt ovrc[uk] ingt ko setia la..xkuar ngn laki laen..brkepit br2..klu ko da x syg kt bf ko tu, ckp je.kesian kt die..ingt ko setia,syg kt die tp kt blkg maen kayu tige. klu aku jd ko, mest mnyesl gile.ssh nk dpt org cm bf ko skrg.pk la kwn!